
Participated in the International Panel Discussion on Diversity in Education in Chennai

Mar 14, 2023

Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women, affiliated to the University of Madras, in Chennai held the International Panel Discussion on Diversity in Education in celebration of India’s Presidency of the G20 held on March 14, 2023.  Five students from Keio University, Ms. Riko Ikegame (Law, 1st year), Ms. Emi Onuki (Policy Management, 1st year), Emi Okamoto (Law, 2nd year), Mr. Haruka Koike (Literature, 1st year) and Mr. Kento Machida (Law, 2nd year) of S.A.L . (a student club of Keio University) participated the seminar virtually and received the certificates.  India Japan Laboratory encourages the students studying at various campuses of Keio University to have exchanges with the students in India.