STI Forum 2024 at Keio University

STI 2024 Forum

Keio University

Mita Campus
on Friday, 06/Dec/2024

The third day 6th of December 2024 will be in the form of forum, where each session will be conducted by co-chairs in the form of panel discussion.

The 21st century has witnessed unprecedented advancements in science, technology, and innovation (STI), transforming societies and economies across the globe. India and Japan, two of Asia’s leading economies, have made significant strides in leveraging STI for national development. This international conference aims to bring together policymakers, researchers, industry leaders, and academicians from both countries to explore collaborative opportunities and address common challenges in the realm of STI for inclusive development.

The three themes for the conference will focus on are geopolitical relevance, societal challenges, and innovations leading to action.

Geopolitical relevance: The India-Japan relationship holds significant geopolitical importance, driven by shared democratic values, strategic interests, and mutual concerns over regional stability. India’s Act East Policy aligns with Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy, fostering stronger political, economic, and defence ties. Collaborative efforts in infrastructure development, technology transfer, and energy security enhance their strategic partnership.

Societal challenges: India-Japan relations play a vital role in addressing social challenges through collaborative efforts in healthcare, education, and sustainable development. Japan’s advanced healthcare technologies and systems can support India’s health infrastructure, improving access to quality care. Joint initiatives in these areas help tackle social issues like poverty, illiteracy, and environmental degradation. Strengthening their relationship enables India and Japan to share best practices and create innovative solutions to societal challenges.

Innovation leading to actions: The innovation potential in India-Japan relations is substantial, leveraging complementary strengths in technology, research, and industry. Japan’s expertise in advanced technologies, robotics, and manufacturing aligns well with India’s burgeoning startup ecosystem, IT prowess, and youthful talent pool. Collaborative initiatives in areas like artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and healthcare technology can drive mutual growth. Joint research centers, innovation hubs, and technology transfers can catalyze new advancements. By synergizing their innovative capabilities, India and Japan can not only address domestic challenges but also contribute significantly to global technological progress.


Day Agenda (To be shared later)