
India Japan Bilateral Project for Post-Covid 19 Resilient Recovery (IIT Roorkee, IGES, Keio University)

Jun 27, 2022

The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan and Keio University, Japan collaborate to implement an India-Japan bilateral project entitled “Ecosystem centric rural revitalization: Bridging the urban-rural dichotomy toward post-COVID resilient recovery”. This bilateral project aims to analyze the economic and environmental impact of the COVID 19 pandemic induced reverse migration on the urban-rural continuum. Professor Rajib Shaw attended its first project workshop was conducted in the Committee Room, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Roorkee on June 27, 2022.
The project is jointly funded Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), India, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), The bilateral collaborative research will focus on two selected study sites including Haridwar in India and Kanagawa prefecture in Japan respectively.

About the video link of the occasion, kindly refer the following link: